Feeling your way through: Author Cathy Covell

I have 25 books to share with clients for their journey if you are interested let me know if you are ready to take the journey. They are also found in amazon. Here is a link from my podcast co-host Becky Byrne with her to learn more: https://anchor.fm/pathsofempowerment/episodes/Cathy-Covell-Season-2-Episode-2-ecfm2m
What is freedom? Freedom is the release from the bonds, tethers, beliefs, and restrictions that keep you from becoming and retaining your true self.
From Feeling your way through, author Cathy Covell

This book is a great tool to help you on your journey of self-discovery. Not looking at things as bad or good. These subconscious bracing patterns can literally lock your body and crush it. Leading to pain and dysfunction. Not only physically but emotionally and spiritually.

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