The first step is touching yourself finding the scar. Actually touching the scar. The skin on skin. As you touch the scar s sink your fingers in—try not to push like pushing the touchpad on something that not working the way you like. Approach it like a new squish baby. More of an embrace of excitement and caution. If you can visualize how you would squeeze a baby or how a baby would squeeze your hand. Find the approach to your body not in an invasive way but in a caring way. So if it helps to use the baby or pet as you are approach feeling your own body it could be helpful. These are just ques that may help or I like the approach to hands in clay, dough, sand, or not popping a balloon. The balloon, that blown up fully. gives you the feel to touch something that’s been visibly scared. If you push too hard it pops so we want the feeling to have the balloon intact, not pop.
That is what we will call the first barrier.

• Feeling the barrier
Now stay at the barrier over 2 minutes (longer hold of quality over 5 minutes) and follow as it gives. The changes now have started.

• The Art Begins
You may feel movement like:
• loop do loops —air show airplane—
• Tearing like a rug burn
• Bubbles popping
• Cold chills
• Heat
• You may see redness not just there but somewhere else (more info on that later)
• You may sense your body needing to move —let it—or your finger on the skin move let it.

It may not feel anything at the time but later you may have a stiffness (like a workout pain). You have just changed a holding pattern.

• After several releases change direction, angle, or pinch.

• Cell memory like I posted before this on reliving the event (in the blog post on how I got interested into MFR)

Self-Treating of Scar tissue. Tools or no tools (suction cups to pull up). These are suggestions. Creativity is key. The framework in the John F. Barnes Technique are these principles: Patience, Time, Never Force —Wait!

This modality Myofascial Release Approach as many are is about learning how to feel in your body, not just feeling better. Experiencing these simple principles that can be hard. We have forgotten how to be understanding and take the time to listen to feelings.

• The key

Go Slow
Waite 90-120 Seconds (longer even better 3-5 minutes)
Release Slowly
Never Force-wait-Time-Element Critical

I cannot say this enough I will give you examples of missing the mark about feeling and going slow and not forcing. On Next Post.

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